Collection: Graw, Franz



The painter Franz Graw was born in Düsseldorf in 1964 and still lives and works in his hometown.
His artistic work mainly includes oil paintings, sculptures, collages, linocuts, drawings and clay works.
Even as a child he loved painting and was fascinated by the bright colors of the "Old Impressionists"
and architecture, but he did not begin his work as a painter until 1984.

At first he worked with impressionistic paintings, but then over time he developed
in-depth self-study, painting and experimenting with different styles to create your very own,
unmistakable style, his unmistakable artistic "signature" with intense colors and a wealth of details.
It remained a challenge for him not to conform to the norms and not to depend on the opinions of outsiders.
but rather to unswervingly and powerfully translate his individual creativity into ever new oil paintings.
He uses every free minute for studies, designs and sketches.
The success is already an astonishing and incomparable work of artistic creation.
Recently, he has passionately begun to explore new ways of expression and to
His work is inspired by the fact that he is able to transform his ideas into three-dimensional sculptures.
to artistically shape one's own ideas without thinking about the judgments of others or the saleability of one's works.
To achieve this, Graw became financially independent from the art market and took a part-time job as a restorer.